

Summercourt Academy has taken on a whole school approach for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and SRE (Relationships and Sex Education) called JIGSAW throughout years R - 6.

Our PSHE and SRE intent is to support pupils to know and value who they are and how they relate to other people. It teaches pupils to become aware of their thoughts and feelings throughout the programme, relating this to the subject matter being studied.

Jigsaw consists of six puzzles (half-term units of work) containing six pieces (lessons). Each Piece has two learning intentionsOne is based on specific PSHE learning, and the other is based on emotional literacy and social skills. This means that Jigsaw is relevant to pupil living in today’s world as it helps them understand and be equipped to cope with modern issues such as body image, bullying, and internet safety. Below are the topics that will be covered each half term.

Autumn 1: Being Me in My World

Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me

Summer 1: Relationships

Summer 2: Changing Me

Jigsaw raises self-awareness, group awareness, collaboration skills, teamwork experience, respectfulness, etc., preparing children for the wider world and their position in it.

If your child raises an issue at home that you are not sure how to respond to and you wish to gain further information, please see the class teacher in the first instance for guidance on what was covered in the lesson. Alternatively, you can visit the Jigsaw website below.

‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline….children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way’ 
(DfE Guidance on Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education 2019)

Jigsaw PSHE is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance.  This includes ALL the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education and includes the non-statutory aspect of Sex Education (Where do babies come from?) Jigsaw ensures all children are given this human reproduction information in an age and stage appropriate way. 

At Summercourt Academy, we recognise the need to equip children to understand what healthy and positive relationships are and how to keep themselves safe. Therefore, Relationships Education is not only about intimate relationships, it also includes learning about families and friendships, kindness and acceptance of others who are different from ourselves, how we treat and look after ourselves and the importance of community.  

SRE and Health Education has been statutory since Sept 2020.

Class 1 (EYFS/Year 1) looked at the book 'The Colour Monster'. They spent some time talking about our emotions and how they can tell if someone is happy, sad, angry or excited. They also decorated biscuits to show these emotions. Yum Yum! They were proud to receive their certificates for completing the first Jigsaw PSHE unit of work - 'Being me in my world'. 
Class 2 (year 1/2) have been learning about the importance of a health and balanced diet as a part of their 'Healthy Me' JIGSAW unit. Pupils created an eat well plate to show their knowledge and understanding of the different food groups. They made some health snacks and explained why they are good food choices for their bodies.
Class 3 (year 3/4) completed their learning in the 'Dreams and Goals' Jigsaw (PSHE). During one lesson they worked as part of a team to enter the Silliest Potato Person competition and voted for a winner. They then reflected on their teamwork and how to manage disappointments. During the final session the class celebrated their achievements with certificates.
In PSHE, Class 4 (year 5 and 6) tested their communication skills as they worked in groups to build the tallest tower that could stand on its' own. They first made one with very little instructions and made their own decisions about how to make it. Each person in the group was then given a specific role to build the tower again to see how it improved.
They used this exercise to explore the importance of having roles and delegating tasks in group work to avoid arguments and confusion about what to do.

Summercourt Academy
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